I am an artist and amateur photographer from Scotland. I work in a variety of media and don't have a set style of work, as you will see, because I find inspiration everywhere. I am currently producing and selling a number of products using my back-catalogue of work and introducing new pieces on a regular basis. My products include: posters, t-shirts, greetings cards, If you are interested in any of the products, please click on the corresponding photograph and you will be taken straight to the product page or visit the store to view all current products.

Male Cardinal

Digital watercolour of a male cardinal resting on a Cherry blossom tree.

My First Award: Black-Winged Damselfly

I got my first ever TBA (Today's Best Award) on zazzle for this damsefly mouse pad. I had all but given up hope of ever getting a TBA so it took me by surprise.

Fighting Fish

I've had this post saved as a draft for weeks but hadn't gotten around to writing my blurb. That's the thing, I love creating artwork and looking at other people's artwork, but when it comes to talking about it I'm at a loss. But, I'll do my best, so here goes. I first came across the siammese fighting fish (betta splendens) because my fiance had one. I'm really not a fish person but I thought that the black/irridescent fish he had was really pretty. After that, every time we went to walmart on that visit, I would go look at the 'pretty fishies', lol. When I came back to the UK I sat down and painted a brightly coloured fighting fish in acrylics, on a set of 4 canvas boards. I didn't really think about the practicality of the piece before painting it, because the 4 pieces have to fit together to form the picture, framing them would detract from the effect. So, the boards sat around my house and eventually two of them warped because (were placed too close to my central heating radiator). Oh well. But after I purchased a graphics tablet for my laptop and began working with Artweaver software, I decided to give this little fishy another try. I don't like the digital version as much as I did the original, it was one of the first project I attempted in Artweaver and for the life of me I couldn't get the intensity of color without making the image look amateurish.

The original painting.
Fighting Fish - Betta Splendens mousepad
The Artweaver version
Fighting Fish - Betta Splendens
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